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New Credit Builder Loan Helps Wisconsin Consumers Get Their Credit Back on Track

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“The COVID crisis ended more than a year ago,” notes Nicole Horton, senior director of online services for online lender “But millions of Americans are still trying to get their credit ratings healthy after the damage done by the pandemic.”

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Missouri Consumers Get a New Lending Option That’s Stacked in Their Favor

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“If you’re a family with limited financial means—living paycheck to paycheck—and an unexpected expense arises, what are you going to do?” asks Nicole Horton, senior director of online services for online lender For Missouri consumers, there’s finally some good news. has commenced business in this state, and our innovative short term installment loan offers a lending solution that’s stacked in the customer’s favor.”

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Much-Needed Lending Option Arrives for Financially Stressed Wisconsin Consumers

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“Millions of American families are constantly on the brink of extreme financial stress. And all it takes is a single unexpected expense to push them over the edge. But families in Wisconsin now have a lending option that can improve their financial situation,” states Nicole Horton, senior director of online services for online lender

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Georgia Consumers Get a Game-Changing New Lending Option

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“If you don’t have savings to draw on—and countless American families do not—any unexpected expense or surprise bill can send your budget off the rails and put you in considerable financial stress,” states Nicole Horton, senior director of online services for online lender

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